Dr Rashmi Suresh

MBBS Dip Optholmology

DNB Laser surgery specialist


A Little information about Dr Rashmi

Surgical skills

  • Performing cataract surgery with intraocular lens implantation (SICS and phaco with PCIOL) independently. Experience of performing over 3000 surgeries independently.
  • Performing pterygium excision with conjunctival autograft (using fibrin glue/autologous serum) or amniotic membrane graft. Experience of performing 400 surgeries independently.
  • Performed over 150 cases of dacrocystectomies independently.
  • Performing other surgeries like dacryocystorhinostomy, entropion correction, ectropion correction, eye lid repair, corneal tear repair, symblepharon release with ocular surface reconstruction with amniotic membrane graft and many other surgeries under assistance. Work experience: • Worked as general ophthalmologist in Lions Eye Hospital Koppal. • Handling OPD patients and performing laser therapy in retina department of Aravind eye hospital Pondicherry.

Dr Rashmi Suresh


DNB Laser surgery specialist

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